ConnDOT is neglecting its duties to pedestrians

[Update Jun 16, 2021: One sorry excuse that the Connecticut State Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) gave when they said they wouldn't put a fourth crosswalk on Washington & Bridge St is that the "accident history doesn't warrant it". This is DOT-speak for "not enough people have been killed here so we won't bother to make this street safe." This is not unique to ConnDOT - state DOTs all across the country operate like this. Their mission above all else is to move cars fast, and as many cars as possible, everyone else be damned. They require a minimum level of human blood sacrifice just to put in a crosswalk! We need to change this dangerous culture of acceptance towards road deaths.]

[Update Jun 8, 2021: ConnDOT is still refusing to put in a fourth crosswalk, claiming that "changing the curb alignment is beyond the scope of this repaving project." This is not a question of planning or funding, it's a question of basic political will. ConnDOT spends millions on repaving roads and car infrastructure but cannot be bothered to spend pennies for the most basic safety infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists. People continue to die on our roads every year. This is inexcusable. There needs to be electoral consequences for those who continue to aid and abet this system.]

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is refusing to paint all four crosswalks at Washington Blvd and Bridge St during their scheduled repaving. Right now there are only three crosswalks - pedestrians trying to cross Washington Blvd from Scalzi Park need to cross three times just to get across the street! Short-sighted decisions like this to save pennies on pedestrian infrastructure while spending millions on car infrastructure eventually lead to deaths and injuries on our streets. If you have a second, please send an email to your state reps and ConnDOT officials to ask them to reconsider this decision.

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I am very concerned that ConnDOT's current plan to repave Washington Boulevard does not include painting a fourth crosswalk on the south side of Washington & Bridge St. Currently there are only 3 crosswalks, forcing people to cross 3 times just to get across the street. Four crosswalks are the bare minimum needed here - we also need pedestrian islands, curb bump-outs, and narrower car lanes and tighter turn radiuses to make this intersection truly safe. This intersection is right next to the busy Scalzi Park and just a short walk from Ridgeway Shopping Center, Hubbard Heights, and Downtown. It is currently a safety nightmare for people crossing on foot and bike. The State must recognize the legitimacy of walking and cycling as real forms of transportation, not see its mission as just moving cars around. Given that this is a state road, ConnDOT must take responsibility in ensuring adequate and safe design. Please take action to correct ConnDOT's ill-advised plan and ensure we have the infrastructure we need.