Stamford Housing Affordability study follow-up

Thanks to all who attended People Friendly Stamford's meeting on housing affordability. We hope you found the discussion useful and informative. Below we share the list of references and data we spoke to for those interested in learning more about the housing shortage. We look forward to continuing the discussion and hope that you will be part of the community speaking up publicly for the need for more housing growth for the next generation and everyone in our communities.

List of References
The US is not producing enough homes relative to population growth.
Biden Administration: Alleviating Supply Constraints in the Housing Market (Sep 2021)

Most housing typologies like townhouses, duplexes, and small apartments are illegal to build almost everywhere on North American residentially zoned land. (Not Just Bikes, 2021)

Connecticut's restrictive land use rules limit economic growth and housing affordability.
Economic Impacts of Land Use Regulations in Connecticut (2020)

Selected readings by People Friendly Stamford on land use and zoning reform:

The NYC metro region including Connecticut is not producing enough homes relative to jobs growth.
NYC Planning: The Geography of Jobs (2019)

Fairfield County is not producing enough homes relative to demand.
Regional Plan Association: Fairfield County Housing Needs Assessment (Feb 2021)