Bad intersections in Stamford

(The below is a submission from a PFS member.)

Something that at least in my personal experience that is unique to Stamford is the smattering of controlled intersections lacking pedestrian indicators and where no traffic light is visible to the pedestrian. In these cases there is no way for pedestrians to know which direction of traffic has the green light, or whether conflicting traffic is about to get the green light while the pedestrian is attempting to cross. Examples:

* Cold Spring Rd & Randall Ave. Painted crosswalk for pedestrians on Cold Spring Rd crossing Randall Ave, however there is no pedestrian indicator, and based on the positioning of the traffic lights, virtually impossible for a pedestrian trying to cross to be able to tell which direction has the green light (let alone whether the light is about to change and traffic on Randall Ave about to run you over b/c we all know how drivers react as soon as they get the green light):,-73.5525554,3a,90y,44.42h,72.27t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWslMXnT_xuN5aNbzotLLyA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

* Glenbrook Rd & Oakdale Rd. Similar situation with a painted crosswalk for pedestrians, however pedestrians on Glenbrook Rd crossing Oakdale from West to East have no way of knowing what the light in their direction is, since it is positioned far behind the intersection. The way teh traffic seems to work out here too is that there is frequently no traffic on Glenbrook when the light is about to change, so basically impossible to know whether opposing traffic is about to get the green light while you are in the crosswalk. I had this happen to me last week where I was crossing in the crosswalk at the same time the Oakdale traffic got the green, and of course it is motorists god-given right to mow down whatever is in their way once their light has turned green.,-73.516453,3a,75y,35.66h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1svhAGD_ZxWpvQoBovvWCkdw!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192

* Hope St & Rose St. Pedestrians on the East side of Hope St using the painted crosswalk to cross Rose St have no pedestrian indicator, nor the ability to see the traffic light.,-73.5248694,3a,75y,67.96h,83.33t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sz6A25oGvNEz0hIGMzi6PfQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 Pedestrians basically have to cross their fingers and dash across

* Summer St & 2nd St. Since Summer St is one way and this intersection lacks a pedestrian indicator, there is no signal for pedestrians traveling South to North crossing 2nd St.,-73.5425839,3a,75y,322.05h,91.37t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQZIfzoHqf_BPyFoqNwR-2Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

There are some other really bad intersections I have encountered for pedestrian crossing due to right turn on red too:

* Stillwater and Broad St- right turn on red for cars continuing on Stillwater vs Pedestrians crossing to Broad, exacerbated by a protected green for left turn from Broad -> Stillwater. Further the angle of the right turn only lane seems to be designed to allow drivers to proceed through at maximum speed.,-73.5578255,3a,75y,115.13h,72.37t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4XzMYMie4EZROfV8HgEosQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

* Courtland Ave & Glenbrook - pedestrians on Glenbrook crossing Courtland from the west have to 1. wait an insanely long time for the beg button 2. Almost get run over by cars behind them making a right on red from Glenbrook to Courtland, and then 3. Almost get run over by cars making a right turn on red from Courtland -> Glenbrook who are also hidden by traffic in the left lane (of course the right turn on red drivers almost never stop first before the right on red like they are supposed to) Then the very next intersection to contend with is Oakdale I mentioned previously,-73.5183071,3a,75y,66h,68.93t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sqOTQmF9s0Bt4s9VaXhFoHQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

* Church St & Glenbrook - Similar situation with a beg button for pedestrians on the South side of Church St crossing to continue on to Glenbrook. It is basically a blind corner behind you, where drivers will make right on red without slowing down, and then there are also drivers on Glenbrook making the right on red to continue on Glenbrook, who simply fly through without even stopping, or don't stop until they have already gone through the crosswalk.,-73.5205993,3a,75y,67.13h,71.85t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8jhZUYn4ko_Ca3TvdS_2tg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

* Glenbrook & E Main St- My personal vote for the most dangerous intersection in the city for peds. If you are on the NW corner trying to cross E Main St (necessary if you want to continue on E Main St, since the North side splits onto Broad St) you first have to wait for the beg button, then traffic behind you goes from a protected green right arrow to a full green (at this point the walk sign is illuminated), however of course drivers continue to make right turns like it is still a protected green. I have no idea how pedestrians are supposed to start crossing safely when there is a line of drivers making right turns. On top of this, you also have opposing traffic trying to make left turns through the crosswalk as you cross. Finally, it appears that the no right turn on red for Rt 1 traffic at this intersection is variable. It seems like they changed up the light pattern here recently but I still think it's a problem, will pay attention next time I'm at it. If ever there was a candidate for a pedestrian scramble with no right turn on reds this has to be it.,-73.5297855,3a,75y,177.05h,90.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0hUmcZRgzQYWMZgj3yiTRw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

* E Main St & I 95 SB Off-ramp- First, there is a beg button here, even though it makes no change to the traffic pattern when pressed (just doesn't illuminate walk sign if not pressed). Second, the timing of the walk sign seems to be just flat out wrong, since there is a very long delay between when all conflicting traffic gets the red light and when the walk sign illuminates (i.e. it is actually "safe" to cross long before the walk sign goes on). Third, pedestrians must contend with TWO right turn on red lanes from the offramp, and drivers treat this right on red more as a yield than a red light (there is also incessant honking from other drivers anytime one dares exercise any sort of caution before making the turn). A third lane of traffic turning left off the off-ramp obscures visibility for pedestrians crossing from the east. It is terrifying. And to add insult to injury, you have to cross Courtland twice right after this (once for right turn only onto Courtland, then for traffic coming off Courtland), and the walk signs are timed perfectly so that as soon as you get the light to cross the offramp, the don't walk sign for Courtland goes on (wouldn't be the case if it weren't for the unnecessary don't walk sign when there's no conflicting traffic i mentioned before).,-73.5128811,3a,75y,256.76h,92.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1su03qq0UsFTulbtWCz3SFIg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 PS note the driver of the giant tractor trailer in the Google street view using his cell phone while driving! 🤦‍♂️