Another fatal car crash in Stamford

Woman, 32, seriously hurt after hit by pickup truck in Stamford crosswalk

We are once again outraged by the traffic violence plaguing our streets. People have the right to safely cross the street without fear of being hit by a driver. We have already seen two pedestrian fatalities in Stamford. These deaths were completely preventable and are a result of bad road design. It is no coincidence that the recent serious crash on Washington Boulevard and the two fatalities earlier this year all occurred on state roads that are controlled by the Connecticut Department of Transportation. These roads are designed for moving cars as quickly as possible at the expense of safety. We cannot continue to let the State turn a blind eye to this carnage. We call on our elected state officials to finally have CTDOT do something to make these roads safer for pedestrians. We encourage you to reach out to the State delegation and CTDOT to demand action for safer state roads.